Alburgh runs a village cinema on the 3rd Friday of the month (excluding August and December). We show popular films, often before they are available on DVD, and charge £5.00 for adults and £2.50 for children. Tickets are available on the door with no advanced booking.
The new movie list is now out. Cast your vote for which movies you would like to see, you have 3 votes each.
The cinema started after joining the Creative Arts East cinema initiative and then gradually purchasing our own equipment through fund-raising and generous donations. We now have a 3 speaker audio system, a 4m screen and a full HD projector providing high quality vision and sound.
Previous Film Audiences
Previous Film Posters
Alburgh Cinema Group
If you would like to get updates about the Alburgh Cinema then you can join our group by following this link to the Alburgh Cinema Group. Your email will be kept private and you can leave at any time.
Thanks to our sponsors
South Norfolk, Neighbourhood Fund, £1570
South Norfolk, Community Action Fund, Waveney Valley, Chairman Brian Riches, £3305
South Norfolk, Members Ward Fund , Murray Gray, £200
Saffron Community Foundation, £2000