Alburgh shares its parish magazine with the neighbouring village of Denton.
The magazine has been published every month since its foundation in 1970 and contains information about everything that is happening in the two villages. It is paid for by modest subscriptions, now £6 per year, and advertising. The magazine is organised by a small Management Committee with members from both villages including representatives of the two Churches, the Chapel and both Parish Councils. It is distributed by a team of volunteers. Circulation hovers around 330.
Distribution queries should be address to: Alburgh, Daphny Gladden-Fenn 788191 or Denton, Doris Lambert 788216.
Enquiries about new subscriptions should be addressed to the Treasurer: Anne Carden, 788279.
Items for inclusion, including advertising, and any comments on the content should be addressed to the Editor at
The deadline for submissions is usually the 18th of each month. However it would greatly assist the editor if, wherever possible, contributions could be sent in early in the month and not left until the last moment.